Our revived Youth Group is up and running. We typically meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at the Saint Columbkille Youth Room* from 6:00 - 7:30 in the evening. Watch the bulletin for details. Please note that due to the Super Bowl, we will meet on Feb. 16 instead of Feb. 9,
For more information on our Youth Group, contact our Youth Minister, Katie Zanella, at [email protected] or call her at 724-695-7325 ext. 107.
Nativity Series Part 6 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ Here’s a joke from the...
Nativity Series Part 5 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ It’s kind of funny that...
Nativity Series Part 4 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ Think back to the day you...